3 R Lab endeavors to ensure “No Child is Left Behind” due to learning difficulties in mainstream school. It is a one- on- one and group tutoring programme, conducted in well-defined learning spaces within schools, for students dealing with academic challenges in fundamental reading, writing, spelling and arithmetic. Remedial education consists of a series of tested, proven and salable teaching-learning techniques and tools that (with trained tutors) help children find the learning modalities that best suit them. Multi sensory learning, the Orton Gingham method, the VAKT( Visual, Auditory, Kin esthetic and Tactile) model and the Thinking Skills Program are just some of the aspects of remedial education.
Robotics: Today’s parents are concerned about their children’s future career choices, and want their children to pursue their dreams. There is a growing parental concern about their children’s education with an increasingly difficult economic climate.
At creators Space, the child gets a hands – on experience of 21st century skills in Robotics, Electronics, Techno Farming, Coding, Life Skills, Math Plus, Aero-modlling and more. The child gets a choice to pursue their passion in line with their abilities and passion. The program is called Steam Program at 14 labs from ‘Creators Space’.
Our technology curriculum is integrated into our students entire educational experience. They learn to use a variety of applications, educationally designed software and online learning tools that creates an avenue for collaborative learning and Interactive Whiteboards have enhanced the curriculum through interactive leaning as well as the addition of mobile computing using laptops and Net books. We have been accredited as a Microsoft Associate School, where Microsoft will be training both teacher& students to use Microsoft products for teaching & learning.
All students visit our fully automated library. Kindergarten classes learn library etiquette, caring for and appreciating books as well as listening skills, while cultivating a love of reading. In all grades, borrowing books is introduced as well as responsibility for returning them on time.